Nootropics require daily consumption to realise their health benefits, so it's natural to wonder whether taking them at such a volume is safe.
The answer is that it depends on what you take and how you react. Some nootropics are proven harmless in most people – e.g., caffeine – while others have less research, meaning the side effects from daily consumption are unknown.
We do know that daily supplementation of a nootropic like lion's mane has no known health disadvantages. We're using lion's mane as our example here because it is the most exciting nootropic on the market and is something we sell.
The few human studies that have examined lion's mane report minimal side effects over several weeks and months of use—and the more studies that come out, the clearer it is that this nootropic is safe to take every day.
What's a Nootropic Anyway?
Nootropics are substances that increase cognitive functions and productivity. They include prescribed medicines, off-the-shelf alternative medicines (such as Traditional Chinese Medicines), and food supplements like Braincare Smart Focus.
The synthetic nootropics that doctors prescribe are safe for daily consumption; otherwise, they wouldn't be prescribed.
What you want to know is whether taking a natural nootropic supplement every day is safe – or whether it will negatively impact your health.
We know they work, but what about their safety?
Nootropic Safety – A Scientific Perspective

Coffee, tea, and most fizzy drinks contain caffeine – a nootropic. Nicotine is also a nootropic (albeit a bad one). Consuming these has noticeable effects on our brain and bodily functions, and the same goes for other less well-known nootropics like lion's mane.
The first thing to say is that if you are taking nootropics every day already, there isn't anything in a scientific journal or clinical study that recommends you stop.
Psychology Today – the world's largest psychology portal - reviewed 165 placebo-controlled studies on nootropics in 2020 [1]. They found there were no serious adverse effects observed to be significantly more frequent than in the placebo groups of the studies.
The review of studies suggests that nootropics as a group are safe for daily consumption, but what about lion's mane?
Lion's mane is under scrutiny because it promises to improve focus, memory, concentration, depression, and immunity. More people are taking it than ever before, so the scientific community needs to understand its safety.
The latest studies tell us:
- Mori et al.'s human study [2] reported no adverse events after 16 weeks of daily supplementation. This study used 250 mg lion's mane tablets (96% dry powder) thrice daily for 16 weeks.
- Li et al. [3] reported only mild GI discomfort in 8% of Alzheimer's patients taking lion's mane daily for 49 weeks. This study administered 350 mg of lion's mane thrice daily for 49 weeks.
- Docherty et al.'s study [4], which examined patients with mild Alzheimer's, found that 1,050 mg/day of an erinacine A-enriched lion's mane extract caused side effects in 8% of participants. The effects subsided within a few days.
Correct Dosing is Key to Daily Consumption Safety
Factors like age, body weight, metabolism, and individual sensitivity influence the optimal dosage for a given nootropic.
Label dosages are general guidelines, not personalised recommendations – often based on averages or conservatively set.
So far, the human trials covering lion's mane have used 250 to 500 mg per day as a benchmark for tests.
If you want to lose weight, you can take lion's mane on its own or as part of a meal replacement shake like vybey Complete Meal Powder.
If you want to target brain health primarily, greens powder is safe to take daily, or you can ditch your regular coffee for Braincare Smart Focus.
The recommended dosing for some other nootropics like caffeine is the same - around 400 mg daily - suggesting that daily consumption of up to 500 mg provides the safety net you are looking for in a nootropic.
But the truth is that different nootropic compounds require different dosage amounts for optimal effects - some may be effective at low doses (e.g., 100-300 mg), while others require higher doses (e.g., 800-1200 mg).
The timing of nootropic dosing can also vary; some nootropics may be taken once daily, while others may need to be dosed multiple times throughout the day (e.g., every 4-6 hours) for sustained effects.
Some nootropics users practice cycling, where they take breaks from compounds to prevent tolerance buildup or downregulation of receptors, and the duration of the cycles (e.g., 2 weeks on, 1 week off) can differ based on the specific nootropic and individual response.
Some people are more sensitive or resistant to certain compounds and may need lower or higher doses to achieve their goals.
How to Take Nootropics Safely

- Start with the lowest recommended therapeutic dose.
- Increase the dose slowly over time while monitoring the effects.
- Stay within established safety limits for that compound.
- Listen to your body's response in terms of positive effects and any side effects.
- Cycle off periodically to prevent tolerance buildup.
- Consult experienced users or medical professionals for personalised dosing advice.
Unwanted side effects like brain fog, headaches, and poor physical performance after nootropic supplementation are usually unrelated, but if you get them, try stepping down the dose or stopping for a few days and seeing if it helps.
Don't neglect a healthy lifestyle
If you struggle to concentrate or have something else bothering you that a nootropic might solve, consider other areas of your life.
The evidence shows that nootropics might improve cognitive function and immunity, but they are no replacement for a good diet, exercise, sleep, and a stimulating routine—you need a good balance to maximise your health.
Taking a nootropic like Braincare Smart Focus can be part of your routine, like multivitamins and coffee, but use it as a booster rather than a crutch.
Summing Up
Nootropics are safe to take daily with correct dosing, and your supplement label's dosing information is an excellent place to start. But you should listen to your body and adjust your intake to suit how it affects you.
Lion's mane is a safe nootropic based on all available scientific and clinical data. However, there isn't a scientific consensus that you can safely take it daily without some side effects.
vybey Lion's Mane has a 100% satisfaction rating with our customers, with no reported adverse side effects. Combine our feedback with the data from studies, and it is clear the safety profile of lion's mane is positive.
A few more ways to safely take lion's mane include vybey Complete Meal Powder and Braincare Smart Focus – a new way to stay sharp with lion's mane, chaga mushroom, cacao powder, green bean caffeine extract, and more natural ingredients.
You can find out more about vybey here.
Sources- Psychology Today
- National Library of Medicine
- National Library of Medicine
- National Library of Medicine
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